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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the influences of the adolescent‘s negative automatic thoughts on the internalizing and externalizing problems. And it also tested whether negative automatic thoughts are broadband specific features that distinguish internalizing disorders from externalizing disorders, and are narrowband specific features that distinguish depression from delinquent problems. The study sample was 1982 adolescents(916 boys and 966 girls) from junior and high school, and they completed self administered questionnaires such as K-YSR, CES-D and LDQ. The regression analysis showed that the externalizing problems as well as internalizing problems were predicted by the negative automatic thoughts in linear and quadratic terms. But it showed the negative automatic thoughts had much more explanations on the internalizing problems. Both the internalizing only and comorbid with externalizing problem groups reported significantly more negative automatic thoughts. And both the depressive only and comorbid with delinquent problem groups reported significantly more negative automatic thoughts. These showed that the negative automatic thoughts are narrowband specific as well as broadband specific features in adolescent's psychological disorders.
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