open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study attempted to identify the guarded paranoia, and the self-concept, the other-concept, and the attributional styles of the guarded paranoia compared with those of the frank paranoia. In Study 1, the MMPI Pa, L, K scales, the Paranoia Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Self-Other Concept Scale, and the Social Reasoning Questionnaire were administered to 56 persecutory deluded patients. Based on the MMPI Pa scale and Naiveté subscale, eight guarded paranoid patients and 10 frank paranoid patients were selected. The guarded paranoia showed higher scores on L and K scales, and reported more positive self-concept and lower depression than the frank paranoia. These results were supported by the cluster analysis including all of the 56 patients. In Study 2, guarded paranoid tendency group and the frank paranoid tendency group were selected from 271 college students. The guarded paranoid tendency group showed higher L and K scores and lower depression, and reported the most positive self and other-concept compared to the other groups. These results were similar with those from the patient groups. The suggestions and the limitations of this study, and the directions of future study were discussed.
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