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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of deterioration of somatization by depressive mood state. It was examined whether induced depressive mood state affects self-focused attention, somato-sensory amplification, somatic attribution, and experience of somatic symptoms. Subjects were 134 college students and data of 83 students were analyzed. The results showed that somatized individuals showed higher self-focus than normal control participants after sad mood induction. Somatized individuals showed more somato-sensory amplification than control participants. Females showed the same result according to group, but males didn't show such result after sad mood state was induced. Males didn't differ in somato-sensory amplification according to different mood states, but females showed more somato-sensory amplification in sad mood state than positive or neutral mood conditions. Subjects attributed to somatic causes in sad mood state more than positive or neutral mood conditions. In the case of females, somatized individuals attributed to somatic causes more than normal control participants, however, males didn't show such result. Somatized individuals experienced more somatic symptoms than normal control participants and females showed higher tendency of somatic symptoms than males, after control of pre-experiment level of somatic symptoms. Further analysis showed that in the case of males, somatized individuals experienced more somatic symptoms than normal control participants in sad mood state, but in the case of females, somatized individuals did so in positive mood state. The implications for treatment of somatization and limitations of these results, and suggestions for future study were discussed.
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