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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study we tried to assess the psychometric characteristics of Korean version of Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills(KIMS). Factor analysis form students sample have shown that the inventory consists of 4 factors: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement. Reliabilities of 4 factors were good to accept and the model of 4 factors was good and fit better than one-single model based on confirmatory factor analysis. The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills(KIMS) was related with Personality(NEO-FFI) and the psychological symptoms of Symptom Checklist(SCL-90-R). From these results it was concluded that the Korean version of KIMS shows adequate psychometric characteristics and multifacets of mindfulness. It was discussed that the other clinical studies about mindfulness supports contents validities of the KIMS, but the operational definition for two subscales of describing and accepting without judgement should be evaluated continuously in a following study.
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