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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop the Depressed Mood Response style Questionnaire(DMRQ) and to examine its validity. This study was consulted to examine characters in a number of groups using different response styles and the influence of response style on the duration and the severity of depressive mood. The aim of study Ⅰ was to develop a scale to distinguish between functional and dysfunctional response style. Total eighty-item of preparatory questionnaire were selected from a number of response style questionnaires and were administered to 190 undergraduate students. This scale was consisted of problem solving response style, ruminative response style, mood avoidance response style, and mood regulation response style. The aim of study Ⅱ was to validate DMRQ by the study Ⅰ. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, it was fitted into four-factor model. As a result of the correlations analysis, the ruminative response style and the mood avoidance response style are correlated positively with depressed mood. The problem solving response style and the mood regulation response style are correlated negatively with depressed mood. As a result of the cluster analysis, the group using both rumination and mood avoidance response style shows significantly higher level of depressed mood, Somatization, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Interpersonal Sensitivity than the low response group and the group using both problem solving and mood regulation response style. As a result of regression analysis after control the stress, the ruminative response style among those response styles explained the difference of depressed mood and mood regulation, problem solving, and mood avoidance response style didn't give any explanation.
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