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This study attempted to examine the factor structure of a Korean version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (K-LSAS) and its diagnostic efficiency. Subjects consisted of 755 college students and 32 social phobic patients and exploratory factor analysis was used to identify situational factors provoking intensive fear in social phobia. As a result, the following 5 factors were extracted: (1) speaking, (2) doing something while being observed, (3) public situation, (4) interaction with stranger, and (5) assertive situation. The reliability and validity of K-LSAS is also highly significant among these subjects. Finally we examined the difference of score on K-LSAS and its subscales between two groups, and discussed the value of K-LSAS on accurate diagnosis for social phobia. The application to specific cutoff scores of each subscale and total score on the K-LSAS would greatly enhance the diagnostic utility for social phobia. Therefore, K-LSAS can be beneficial for clinicians to evaluate social phobic individuals accurately in order to make efficient treatment plans.
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