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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effect of perceived body importance in self-evaluation on restrained eating and bulimia behaviors. Based on the Tripartite Influence Model(Keery, van den Berg, & Thompson, 2004), the perceived body importance model of self-evaluation is constructed and model fit is identified. Sociocultural influence(parent, peers, and media), body comparison, thin-ideal internalization, perceived body importance, body dissatisfaction, restrained eating, and bulimia behaviors in a sample of female undergraduate (N=731) are assessed to test structural equation modeling. The result suggests that perceived body importance influence on body dissatisfaction and restrained eating more significantly and directly than dose thin-ideal internalization. As self-evaluation, the more individuals perceive body being important, the more body dissatisfaction and restraint eating are increased.
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