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In this study, thirty young adults with BPD features, and thirty normal control groups were selected out of 357 college students and assessed on concept of self and others, anger characteristics, adult attachment style, and perceived parenting behavior of parents. The Personality Assessment Inventory-Boderline Features Scale(PAI-BOR), the Self-Concept Scale(SCS), the Other-Concept Scale(OCS), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory(STAXI), the Adult Attachment Scale(AAS), the Self-report Attachment Style(SAS), and the Parenting Behavior Inventory(PBI) were administered. The results showed that self-concept and trait anger could predict BPD features. Individuals with BPD features had negative self-concept and other-concept, but no evidence could be found that they had disintegrated self and other representation. Individuals with BPD features showed more intense anger and exhibited higher tendency to suppress as well as express anger than the normal control group. Also, they showed higher levels of attachment anxiety, and greater tendency toward preoccupied/fearful attachment style. In addition, they perceived nurturing behaviors of the parents on them to be inconsistent, irrational, and less affectionate.
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