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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Contemporary psychological theories emphasize the importance of negative appraisal of one's own internal experience and deliberate attempts to suppress his experience in the etiology and maintenance of generalized anxiety disorder. Based on them, the present study proposed a mediation model in which experiential avoidance would play a mediating role in the relationship between negative beliefs about worry and generalized anxiety symptoms. To evaluate goodness-of-fit of the mediation model, two studies were conducted with Korean undergraduate students and a structural equation modeling approach was used. In Study 1, a cross-sectional study, 367 undergraduate students completed an assessment battery consisting of the Korean versions of the Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire(MCQ)-30, the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ), and the Worry Anxiety Questionnaire(WAQ). The results of structural equation analysis revealed that experiential avoidance was a partial mediator in the relationship between negative beliefs about worry and generalized anxiety symptoms. Study 2 was designed to examine whether the results of Study 1 might be cross-validated in short-term longitudinal data collected from an independent undergraduate sample. 257 undergraduate students completed the Korean versions of the MCQ-30, the AAQ, and the WAQ twice at an interval of two weeks. The results of structural equation analysis showed that experiential avoidance partially mediated the relationship between negative beliefs about worry and generalized anxiety symptoms. Moreover, the results of multi-group analysis supported configural and full metric invariance of the partial mediational model across gender. These findings suggest that negative beliefs about worry influence generalized anxiety symptoms directly as well as indirectly, through mediation of experiential avoidance.
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