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The purpose of this study was to determine the cross-informant agreement between mother and adolescent reports on behavioral emotional problems according to their depressive symptoms. The participants were 422 middle and high school students (193 boys and 229 girls) and their mothers. The adolescents assessed their own depressive symptoms by the CES-D as well as behavioral and emotional problems by the K-YSR. The mothers assessed their own depressive symptoms by the CES-D and their children's behavioral emotional problems by the K-CBCL. Depressed adolescents and their mothers were selected by 15th percentile scores of the CES-D. They were then compared for agreement with a normal group. The agreement between mothers and adolescents was analyzed with Fisher's z transformation by the T scores of the K-CBCL and K-YSR. The results showed a low agreement between the same subscales of the K-CBCL and the K-YSR with an average r=.28. Girls agreed more with their mothers than boys did on the delinquent behavior. The high SES group agreed more with their mothers than the low SES group did on the anxious/depressed and thought problems. Depressed mothers agreed more with adolescents than non-depressed mothers did on the anxious/depressed and social problems. Non-depressed adolescents agreed more with their mothers than adolescents did on the externalizing problems. These results demonstrated that it is important to integrate both the mothers and adolescent perceptions and to consider their depressive state.
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