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This study was conducted to examine the schizotypal personality features, such as disordered thinking/perception, in individuals at risk for Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Recently, an obsession model has been proposed, which classifies obsessions into two different subtypes: autogenous obsession and reactive obsession. This model has suggested an association between autogenous obsessions and thought disorder. Previous studies on semantic priming have suggested that schizophrenia and schizotypy enhanced the indirect semantic priming effects at short prime-target intervals relative to controls. Therefore, semantic priming paradigms were used to test whether autogenous obsessions display increased indirect semantic priming effects. The participants were 3 groups of college students: 14 had elevated autogenous obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms and autogenous obsession scores, 15 had elevated reactiveOC symptoms and reactive obsession scores, and there were 15 normal control participants. Subjects performed a lexical decision semantic priming task at short prime-target intervals under two experimental conditions (direct semantic priming and indirect semantic priming). Consistent with the prediction, the subjects with Autogenous Obsession (AO)s displayed increased indirect semantic priming compared to the subjects with the with Reactive Obsession (RO)s and normal controls. Contrary to expectation, the ROs exhibited significantly enhanced direct semantic priming compared with the AOs and normal controls. These results suggest that autogenous and reactive obsessions, in their relationship with schizotypal personality traits, do not appear to be attributable merely to the type of obsession AO, RO may be linked to the schizophrenia spectrum along a continuum of multidimensionality of schizotypy.
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