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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Hwa-Byung is a form of psychogenic illness among lay people in Korea and was recently listed as a culture-bound syndrome of Korea in the DSM-IV. However, there has been no self-report measure assessing the severity of Hwa-Byung. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report measure of the Hwa-Byung syndrome and examine its reliability and validity. The participants were 111 outpatients visiting the depression clinic and the Hwa-Byung clinic and 33 normal adults. The structured interviews (SCID-I, HBDIS) were first administered to determine the diagnosis of the participants and then a preliminary pool of 70 items of Hwa-Byung Scale and SCL-90-R were administered. Based on the differentiation between Hwa-Byung and normal individuals and between Hwa-Byung and depressed patients, 39 items were selected as the first items. To examine the reliability and validity, the Hwa-Byung Scale was administered to a second sample (63 Hwa-Byung patients, 50 depressed patients, 53 normal controls). Thirty-one items were constructed using factor analysis on the data. The Hwa-Byung scale was divided into two scales: the Hwa-Byung personality scale (16 items) and the Hwa-Byung symptom scale (15 items). Both scales demonstrated high internal consistency. Limitations and implications of the Hwa-Byung scale are discussed.
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