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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of intolerance of uncertainty and perceived emotion controllability on worry, and identify the role of problem orientation as mediator variable. Also, gender effect on the role of problem orientation was examined. The sample consisted of 143 female and 166 male university students who completed the questionnaire about intolerance of uncertainty, perceived emotion controllability, problem orientation and worry. The results were as follows. First, the structural equation model analyzing the partial mediating effect of problem orientation on the influence of intolerance of uncertainty and perceived emotion controllability on worry fit in total group. Problem orientation mediated the paths from both intolerance of uncertainty and perceived emotion controllability to worry. In addition, the direct paths from both intolerance of uncertainty and perceived emotion controllability was also significant. Second, gender differences were observed in the model when data were analysed separately for the male and female group. In male group, problem orientation mediated the path from perceived emotion controllability to worry, but path from intolerance of uncertainty to problem orientation was not significant. In case of intolerance of uncertainty, only the direct path to worry was significant. On the other hand, in female group, problem orientation mediated paths from both intolerance of uncertainty and perceived emotion controllability to worry. In addition, the direct path from emotion controllability to worry was also significant. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with the suggestions for future research.
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