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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Appraisal of Social Concern(ASC) Scale is a self-report measure of social anxiety-related cognition, especially for social phobias. the goal of this study was to validate the Korean Version the Appraisal of Social Concern(K-ASC) and to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. In study 1, the results of an exploratory factor analysis in a sample of undergraduates(n=182) and patients with social phobias(n=101) yielded 2 factor structure. The factors tapping is (1) concerns with negative evaluation and rejection, and (2) concerns with physical symptoms. The subscale scores were strongly correlated. In study 2, the K-ASC was found to have good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. In addition, the construct validity of the K-ASC was comparable to that of well-established measures in use for social phobia. In study 3, the clinical efficacy of the K-ASC was validated. The scores of the K-ASC in persons with social phobias were significantly higher than the undergraduate normal controls and clinical samples. The specific cut-off scores for the total score and each subscale of the K-ASC would enhances the diagnostic utility for social phobias. Therefore the ASC was useful for the assessment of cognition and cognitive changes in patients with social phobia
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