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The purpose of this study is to confirm the reliability and validity of the dependent subscale and the avoidant subscale of the Diagnostic Test for Personality Disorders(DTPD; Seo & Hwang, 2006). Two subscales of the DTPD and several tests known to measure dependent and avoidant traits were administered to 566 respondents(286 college students and 280 adults). Internal consistencies and test-retest reliabilities of two subscales of the DTPD were considered to an acceptable level. Factors of these two subscales conform to diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Correlations of two subscales of the DTPD with tests known to measure dependent and avoidant traits proved the concurrent validities. These results suggest that two subscales of the DTPD have reliability and validity to measure the Dependent Personality Disorder and the Avoidant Personality Disorder respectively.
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