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This study was to investigate the differential predictors of anorexic and bulimic behavior and explore the interpersonal factors of disordered eating behaviors among female college students. For this purpose, the effects of perfectionism, interoceptive awareness, impulse regulation, body dissatisfaction, and ineffectiveness of EDI-2 on anorexic and bulimic behavior were tested. In addition, in order to examine the mediational role of interpersonal factors, two structural models assuming full and partial mediational effects separately were compared by the use of Structural Equation Modeling. The partial mediational model was supported and the main results were as follows. First, perfectionism predicted directly and indirectly anorexic behavior through the effect of self-improvement motive. Second, ineffectiveness predicted self-enhancement motive which could not affect bulimic behavior. Also, interoceptive awareness and impulse regulation had direct effects on bulimic behavior and body dissatisfaction influenced both of disordered eating behaviors directly. Finally, the limitations of this study and the implications for future studies were discussed.
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