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The present study investigated the early attachment styles of students with paranoid tendencies and examined the similarities and differences in major psychological variables among subgroups of students categorized by early attachment style. Thirty students with paranoid tendencies from a group of 492 college students were interviewed according to the Adult Attachment Interview protocol. The results showed that 9 students (30.0%) had an autonomous attachment style, 11 (36.7%) had a dismissing style, and 10 (33.3%) had a preoccupied style. Self and other concepts, depression scores, perceived parenting behavior, and adult attachment styles were compared across the 4 groups (autonomous, dismissing, preoccupied, and the controls). As for self and other concepts, the students in the dismissing and preoccupied groups both reported more negative concept of self and others when compared to the control group. However, the students in the dismissing group tended to have a more negative concept of others than those in the preoccupied group. With regards to perceived parenting behavior, the students in the dismissing group reported more neglect than those in the preoccupied group, while the students in the preoccupied group reported more excessive parental expectations than those in the dismissing group. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study and directions for further research are discussed.
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