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In the present study, the history and implications of the research concerning religiosity were introduced within the conceptual framework of clinical psychology. The goal of this study was to focus the readers' attention on the dimensionality of religiosity and to introduce the author's previous research on the dimensionality of religiosity. The relationship between psychotherapy and religiosity was then discussed, first generally and then concretely with an example of Gestalt therapy. The concept of “connectedness” proposed by Gestalt therapist Erving Polster as a common factor that explains both Gestalt therapy and religiosity was also discussed. Finally, the relationship between Gestalt therapy and religiosity was discussed as the author explained the eight dimensions of religiosity (orthodoxism, pietism, mysticism, religious trust, religious anxiety, religious socialism, meaning seeking, and atheism) in light of the concept of connectedness. The results of empirical studies were also reported.
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