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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Korean version of Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale Short Version (CAARS-KS) was used to assess ADHD symptoms in 505 university students. The reliability and validity of the data were analysed and the results showed a high degree of internal consistency among the items within each sub-scale. As for the convergent validity of the CAARS-KS, four sub-scales (inattention-memory problems, hyperactivity- restlessness, impulsivity/emotional liability, problems with self concept) were significantly correlated with other ADHD-related sub-scales obtained from both the CAARS-KL (long version) and Barkley's ADHD scales. Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses provided further evidence that Conners' four-factor model was adequate for the assessment of ADHD symptoms in adults. Additional confirmatory factor analyses with 2-, 3- and 4-factor alternative models based on exploratory factor analyses showed little improvement or worse fit than the original default model proposed by Conners. In conclusion, the results of present study suggest that the CAARS-KS may be useful for efficiently assessing ADHD symptoms in adults.
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