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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
As the number of elderly people increases, so does the number of dementia patients. There has never been a stronger imperative to develop instruments for dementia screening. The present study represents a preliminary stage in the construction of a Korean Dementia Questionnaire (KDQ) for use in the screening of dementia in clinical settings or epidemiological surveys. The family members of 86 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 57 patients with vascular dementia (VD) were interviewed individually. They were asked to report the cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms that they had observed in their everyday contact with their patient relatives. A total of 299 dementia symptoms were reported by family members are reviewed, and 33 items were selected as preliminary items for the KDQ. When these 33 items were used to compare symptoms observed in AD and VD, valuable information was provided about the differentiation and severity of these two types of dementia. The results confirmed the clinical validity and utility of a KDQ consisting of 33 items selected in the present study. The need for a follow-up study to collect normative data on healthy elderly subjects is indicated, if the KDQ is to be used as an effective screening tool for dementia.
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