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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to examined the effectiveness of the Rey Complex Figure Test to detect malingering. This test was administrated to three groups: the malingering (n=24) and the effortful (n=25) groups with mild traumatic brain injury and the normal control group without head injury (n=24). The malingering group did consistently poorer than the effortful group and the normal control group on the various variables for the Rey Complex Figure Test, these variables are the copy time, the copy score, the immediate recall, the delayed recall, the true positive, the false positive, the true negative, the recognition index and the atypical recognition errors. When examining the classification accuracy between the malingering group and the effortful group, the copy time (.54), the immediate recall (.54) and the delayed recall (.58), showed better sensitivity as single variables while maintaining a specificity of at least .95. From the result of this study, we can suggest a new malingering detection index, which is the copy score + the recognition index - (the atypical recognition errors * 3), with including the recognition index (the sum of the true positives and the true negatives) instead of just the true positives in the combination score of Lu, Boone, Cozolino, & Mitchell (2003). This malingering detection index has high sensitivity and classification accuracy, (.83 and .90, respectively), while maintaining the specificity of .96 when classified between the malingering and the effortful groups. The clinical implications and the limitations of this study are also discussed.
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