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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was designed to explore the mediating effects of intrusive-thought-focused coping strategies on the relationship between excessive need for thought control, cognitive self-consciousness, and level of obsessions. A total of 312 university students participated in this study and completed questionnaires on intrusive thoughts (IOWQ), obsessional symptoms (PI), need for control (OBQ), cognitive self-consciousness (CSC-E), and use of coping strategies (WCCL). The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that intrusive-thought-focused coping significantly mediated the relationship between the need for thought control, cognitive self-consciousness, and level of obsessions. In addition, in comparison to a fully mediated model, a partially mediated model including an additional direct path between need for thought control and level of obsessions better explained the data. The results of this study extend prior our understanding of the contribution of cognitive factors contributing to the development of obsessions by investigating developmental pathways. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed, along with directions for future research, are also discussed.
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