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This study examined the validity and reliability of the Korean Academic Performance Rating Scale (K-APRS) Parent Form for assessing ADHD children’s academic performances. The participants were 952 elementary school children(486 boys, 466 girls), their parents assessed them via the K-APRS, K-ARS, and other ADHD scales. Factor analysis showed 3 subscale structures. Factor 1 was “Academic Success”, factor 2 was “Attention”, and factor 3 was “Academic Productivity” which was related to basic learning attitudes. In addition, we confirmed the fitness of the 3‐factor model, according to a confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling. Correlation analyses showed the K-APRS subscales had significant correlations. The correlation analysis between the K-APRS assessed by parents and by teachers to measure concurrent validity, showed significant correlations in Academic Success, Attention, Academic Productivity, and Total Score between parents and teachers. The ADHD rating scales such as the K-ARS, IOWA Conners scale, HSQ(Home Situation Questionnaire) and LPS-C(Life Participation Scale for ADHD Medication Child) showed significantly correlations with K-APRS thus demonstrating its concurrent validity. As a result of discriminant analysis, the clinical group showed lower scores than the normal group in all Academic Success, Attention, Academic Productivity, and Total Score areas. We measured the reliability of K-APRS, by showing the meaningful scores of internal consistency and test-retest reliability.
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