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CBT-based computerized attention and executive function training for ADHD children was developed and its effect was evaluated before and after the raining. The total subjects were 45 school-aged children diagnosed as ADHD in Seoul National University Children's Hospital. They were divided into 26 in the experimental and 19 in the control group. The total training sessions consisted of 10 sessions, once per week and each session lasted for 30 minutes. The training program based on Min Sup Shin and Sung Zoon Cho's program(2008) was used for the experimental: It was consisted of total 16 games including visual attention, auditory attention, working memory, behavioral inhibition, organization, executive function. Attention and executive functions of ADHD children were individually assessed by using neuropsychological tests, including ADS, Stroop Test, Children's Color Trail making Test, ROCF, and WCST before and after the training. ADHD symptoms and executive functions(attention, behavioral inhibition, and cognitive flexibility) in experimental group significantly improved after the training. These results that CBT-based training using computerized game would for effective for helping ADHD children.
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