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The purposes of this study were to investigate the onset and developmental changes of gender differences in depression and anxiety among Korean adolescents, and to explore specific features of the gender differences by using a clinical group and subscale analyses. A total of 3,236 adolescents in grades 4-12 completed the measures of CDI and RCMAS. Results showed that: (1) the gender differences in depression and anxiety started to appear in grades 7 and 8;, (2) the gender differences were statistically significant in middle school students, but not in high school students; and (3) the gender differences were examined in the total sample, but not in the clinical sample only. Also, the CDI subscales of ‘negative mood’ and ‘anhedonia’ as well as the RCMAS subscale of ‘worry/oversensitive’ had a relatively important influence on the gender differences. Clinical implications and limitations were also discussed.
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