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Validational Study of Brief Symptoms Inventory-18(BSI-18) in College Students


This research was carried out to investigate the possibility of using a shortened form of SCL-90-R, BSI-18. BSI-18 is a tool used to measure psychotic discomfort in patients. It was created by Derogatis, who took subscale three scale of nine dimensional scales(SOM, DEP, ANX) for SCL-90-R, then extracted six items for each to set BSI-18's scales. Currently, studies have not demonstrated any validation, which suggests the need for reasonable and firm data for using BSI-18. This research observed before and after 380(male=115, female=242) ex-ante and ex-post analysis students. To determine the possibility of using BSI-18 in the country, tests were carried out using BSI-18's lower scales, MMPI-2's supplementary scales(ANX, DEP, HEA), and BDI and BAI. Additionally, to confirm BSI scales' factors, three and four factors were verified. As result, four statistic factors construct validity, convergence and distinct properties were verified, and BSI's modified structures showed better form than origin. Further results were also stated.

SCL-90-R, BSI, BSI-18, SCL-90-R, BSI-18, 단축형 간이정신진단검사



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