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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of overgeneral autobiographical memory and rumination on depression. One hundred and seventy-nine college students participated in this study. All subjects were tested for autobiographical memory(Autobiographical Memory Test) and also a completed self-report measure of depression(Beck Depression Inventory) and rumination(Ruminative Response Scale). As the subtype of overgeneral memory might have different effects on depression, overgeneral memories were distinguished as categoric and extended memories, as positive cues and negative cues memories on the basis of previous studies. In addition, by applying a personality vulnerability hypothesis(Beck, 1993), overgeneral memories were distinguished as interpersonal and achievement-failure memories. After reviewing the relevance between variables using correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analyses were performed. The results show that; overgeneral memory and rumination were significantly associated with depression. Particularly, categoric memory, extended memory, negative cues memory, and achievement-failure memory were significant. In the interaction with rumination along with categoric memory and achievement-failure memory were significant. That is, high rumination and categoric memory, achievement-failure memory were associated with higher depression. These findings were discussed in terms of cognitive intervention on depression. Finally, the limits of the current study and suggestions for future research were described.
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