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To explain the dysfunction of increased self-consciousness, this study suggested three attributes, Low Focus Control(LFC), and Low Clear Awareness(LCA), Negatively Biased Focus(NBF) as key attributes of dysfunctional self-focus, and developed the Dysfunctional Self-focus Attributes Scale(DSAS) which measures these three attributes. Using preliminary data from a sample of 415 university students, explorative factor analysis and item selection process were performed. Using the final data from a sample of 266 university students, statistical analyses including confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis and correlational analysis were performed. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the three factors as predicted, and 2 weeks test-retest reliability and internal consistency were satisfactory. The three subscales of DSAS were positively correlated with rumination and depression, while negatively correlated with mindfulness. Implications and limitations of this study, and suggestions for further study are also discussed.
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