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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study developed an optimism improvement program and verified its effects. Seligman(1990) stated that optimism is not born but instead learned. His opinion was confirmed as an effective treatment by performing The Penn Prevention Program on children with depression. This study modified and complemented this program according to Korean children, and it developed a new optimism improvement program. To verify the effects of the program developed in this study, the program was conducted on a total of 57 fifth-grade elementary school students and first-grade middle school students. Fifty-eight persons as part of a waiting list control group in the same grade as the study subjects were also prepared. The optimism level of the group that participated in the program was significantly higher than that of the non-participants. This shows that alternative solution thinking ability was the mechanism of optimism improvement. In addition, as the result of checking whether or not alternative solution thinking ability and consequential thinking ability are key mediators of optimism improvement by means of parameter variables analysis, mediator effect of alternative solution thinking ability was verified while that of consequential thinking ability was not. This study is meaningful in that an optimism improvement program was developed according to Korean culture and actual conditions. It was economical as it could be performed in a shorter time than existing programs, and subjects were sufficient enough to verify the effects of the program.
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