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Relationship between Meaning of Life and Suicide Ideation: Mediating Effects of Perceived Social Support and Avoidance Coping Style


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between meaning of life and suicide ideation as well as the mediating effects of perceived social support and avoidance coping style in the relationship between meaning of life and suicide ideation. The subjects were composed of 240 elderly aged 60 and over(M=71.2, SD= 7.28). For this study, Elderly Meaning in Life(EMIL) Scale, Suicide Ideation Scale(SIS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support(MSPSS), and Avoidance Coping Style Scale(ACSS) were carried out. The results of this study were as follows. First, correlation analysis showed that suicide ideation was negatively correlated with meaning of life and perceived social support while positively correlated with avoidance coping style in both males and females. Second, the partial mediation model of perceived social support and avoidance coping style showed better fit indices than alternative models in both of males and females. Based on the paths of the partial mediation model, meaning of life in males was a significant variable that explained suicide ideation. Moreover, perceived social support and avoidance coping style mediated the relationship between meaning of life and suicide ideation. In females, meaning of life was a significant variables that explained suicide ideation. However, only perceived social support mediated the relationship between meaning of life and suicide ideation. According to this study, significant variables that explained suicide ideation among older males and females aged 60 and over were revealed and thus might be useful as basic data for the prevention and counsel of older suicidal adults.

삶의 의미, 자살생각, 지각된 사회적 지지, 회피적 대처양식, meaning of life, suicide ideation, perceived social support, avoidance coping style



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