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This study evaluated and compared the operating characteristics and efficiencies of PAI positive and negative distortion indexes developed in America and Korea. Adults in a community administered PAI under three conditions: positive impression instruction, negative impression instruction, and standard instruction. The profile of negative dissimulation was elevated, while the profile of positive dissimulation was lower than that of standard instruction. Among indicators of positive distortion, KDF, PIM, and DEF were higher on positive impression instruction than negative impression instruction and standard instruction. Four indicators of negative distortion were all elevated on negative impression instruction. In calculation of the estimate of efficiency through ROC analysis, KMDF (AUC=.89), NIM raw score (AUC=.89), MAL (AUC=.83), PIM raw score (AUC=.72), DEF (AUC=.72) were fair. Review of the identification rate estimates for each cutoff score indicated that the sum of sensitivity and specificity on specific cutoff score of PIM raw score, DEF, KDF were high, however, that of Cashel Index was relatively low, and KMDF, NIM raw score, Rogers Index, and MAL were all high. These results suggest that, except for the Cashel index, indicators developed in America and Korea are all effective in detection of positive and negative impression management. Other implications and limitations are discussed.
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