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Solitude, defined as the absence of social interaction, has both positive and negative sides. However, most previous studies have focused on its negative sides such as loneliness and social anxiety. The aim of the current study was to focus on the positive side of solitude and to examine the role of self-determination factor, which is hypothesized to lead positive experiences during solitude. In study 1, the Self-determined Motivation Scale for Solitude and Relationship(SMS) was adapted and validated. And the relationships among SMS, psychological health, and virtues such as creativity, openness, and self-control were then investigated using data from 347 undergraduate students. With proper reliability, SMS was found to be composed of four factors: Self-Determined Solitude(SDS), Not Self-Determined Solitude(NSDS), Self-Determined Relationship(SDR) and Not Self-Determined Relationship (NSDR). SDS showed a positive relationship with the preference of solitude, and productivity in solitude. In addition, SDS showed a positive correlation with positive characteristics, including life satisfaction, creativity, openness, and self-control. However, NSDS showed a positive relationship with psychological distress including loneliness, depression, and social avoidance. In study 2, the relationships among SMS, temperament and personality, and attachment were investigated, based on data from 189 undergraduate students. According to the results, both SDS and NSDS were linked to high introversion, and low reward dependence (social sensitivity), however, only NSDS was related to high harm avoidance, low self-directedness, and low cooperativeness. In addition, NSDS showd an association with avoidant and anxious attachment styles. The findings of the current study suggest the positive aspects of self-determined solitude. Results of this study also demonstrated the differences between self-determined solitude motivation and not self-determined solitude motivation in temperament, personality, and attachment. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study, as well as suggestions for future studies were discussed.
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