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The purpose of this study was to examine differences of impulsivity and flow experience according to internet addiction and internet usage type. A total of 486 undergraduate students participated in this study. They were asked to complete questionnaires concerned with the Internet addiction scale_(K-scale); 38 subjects were selected for inclusion in the ‘addiction group’, and 38 subjects were included in the ‘normal control group’. In the lab, subjects were given an Experiential Discounting task, BIS-11 scale, and Flow experience scale. The results showed significant correlation between delay discounting task and BIS-11, and, when two tasks were used together, explanation power regarding internet addiction increased. We also examined the differences according to the internet addiction and usage type. The results indicated that there was interaction between internet addiction and usage type on delay discounting task. Subjects in the Internet addiction group showed a lower indifference point and AUC value, indicating that they were impulsive and have difficulty in gratification of delay. Game group in normal controls was also impulsive. However, no interaction between internet addiction tendency and usage type was observed on the self-reported scale. Finally, we examined flow experience. The results indicated a difference in total score according to internet addiction, whereas no difference was observed according to usage type and there was no interaction effect. These results suggest that subjects in the normal control group can also show behavioral impulsivity according to usage type and show different aspects according to characteristic of impulsivity tasks. Also, web-surfing type as well as game type showed significant flow experience in the internet addiction group. Finally, more implications and limitations were discussed.
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