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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of a character strengths-based positive psychotherapy on depression, life satisfaction, and quality of life among the depressed elderly. For this purpose, the positive psychotherapy program proposed by Seligman, Rashid, and Parks (2006). Which was modified by the researcher, was used. The efficacy of the revised positive psychotherapy program among the depressed elderly was compared with that of cognitive behavior therapy_(CBT). Participants in the programs included 24 elderly adults who obtained above 6 points on the Geriatric Depression Scale. They ranged in age from 65 to 82. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two programs: positive psychotherapy program and cognitive behavior therapy program. Eleven elderly subjects completed group positive psychotherapy and twelve elderly subjects completed group cognitive behavior therapy_(CBT) for 10 sessions. Geriatric Depression, life satisfaction, positive and negative affect scale, and quality of life measures were given at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and 1-month and 3-month follow-up. The efficacy of the revised positive psychotherapy program among the depressed elderly was compared with cognitive behavior therapy at 1-month and 3-months after the program ended. Participants in the positive psychotherapy group reported significant improvements in elderly life satisfaction, quality of elderly life, and depressive mood, which was maintained up to three months later, compared to those in cognitive behavior therapy. These results demonstrate that the changes in positive affect under positive psychotherapy are not - temporary but persistent. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that positive psychotherapy can help the depressed elderly by enhancing their positive affect and reducing depressive mood. The significance and limitations of this study were discussed.
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