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Peri-Traumatic Dissociation, Post-Traumatic Negative Beliefs, and Poor Social Support As Predictors of Long-Term Psychological Symptoms Following a Natural Disaster


This study was conducted to examine the contributions of demographic and psychosocial variables to the prediction of long-term post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms following a natural disaster. A total of 148 survivors of the 2006 torrential downpour in P-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea completed measures assessing post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, previous trauma exposure, peri-traumatic distress and dissociation, post-traumatic negative beliefs, and poor social support, as well as questions about their demographic characteristics 28 months after the natural disaster. Peri-traumatic dissociation, post-traumatic negative beliefs, and age were significant predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms. Post-traumatic negative beliefs, peri-traumatic dissociation, poor social support, and not living together with a spouse were significant predictors of anxiety symptoms. Post-traumatic negative beliefs, not living together with a spouse, socioeconomic status, peri-traumatic dissociation, and age were significant predictors of depressive symptoms. Overall, these findings suggest that several peri- and post-traumatic psychosocial variables, as well as age, living together with a spouse or not, and socioeconomic status play an important role in predicting and preventing long-term psychological sequelae among survivors of a natural disaster.

natural disaster, trauma, psychological symptoms, dissociation, negative beliefs, social support, 자연재난, 외상, 심리적 증상, 해리, 부정적 신념, 사회적 지지



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