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The Effect of Sociocultural Influence, Body Dissatisfaction, Coping and Dichotomous Thinking on Restriction and Bulimia


The purpose of the study was to investigate relations among sociocultural impact(parents, peers, media) about thinness, body dissatisfaction, coping, dichotomous thinking, restriction, and bulimia. Males (N=223) and females (N=438) participated in this study. Sociocultural influence, stress coping, body dissatisfaction, restrained eating, bulimia behaviors, and dichotomous thinking were assessed. Each participant's height and weight were collected. The results of this study are summarized as follows. In the results for female's, media and parent pressure for thinness showed a significant association with body dissatisfaction. In addition, a higher level of body dissatisfaction showed an association with higher levels of both restriction and bulimia. Problem-focused coping significantly moderated the influence of body dissatisfaction on restriction, whereas emotion-focused coping did not have a significant moderation effect on relation between body dissatisfaction and bulimia. Dichotomous thinking moderated the influence of restriction on bulimia. In the results for male's, parent pressure for thinness showed a significant association with body dissatisfaction. In addition, a higher level of body dissatisfaction showed an association with higher levels of both restriction and bulimia. Problem-focused coping significantly moderated the influence of body dissatisfaction on restriction. Emotion-focused coping moderated the influence of body dissatisfaction on bulimia. Dichotomous thinking moderated the influence of restriction on bulimia. Finally, the clinical implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

eating disorder, sociocultural influence about thin, body dissatisfaction, stress coping, Dichotomous thinking, 섭식장애, 날씬한 체형에 사회문화적 영향, 신체불만족, 대처방식, 이분법적 사고



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