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Evidence-based assessment(EBA) is defined as psychological assessment that uses the best available evidence drawn from research and theory to guide the selection of constructs to be assessed, methods/measures to be used and the process in which the assessment unfolds (Hunsley & Mash, 2007). EBA is one of the major cornerstones of what constitutes evidence-based practice in psychology(EBPP). However, the emphasis has been on the evidence-based treatment(EBT) component since the beginning of EBPP. Thus, EBA has remained underappreciated and it is a rarely discussed topic especially in Korea. Therefore, our primary goal of this review article is to introduce from which backgrounds EBA has emerged and what is the basic concepts of EBA are. Also, we would like to illustrate how the concepts of EBA can be applied to psychological evaluation of panic disorder and depressive disorder in adults. Lastly, we discussed necessary steps to disseminate and expand EBA in Korea.
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