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The purpose of this study was to introduce 4 short forms for K-WISC-IV and to test the validity of each short form(SF). Both SF A and B were developed based on confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis on data collected from 998 normal children. The formula for SF A was (2.308×VC)+(1.805×SI)+58.688, and that for SF B was (2.211×VC)+(1.569×L N)+(1.337×MR)+(1.360×SS)+35.118. The formula for SF C, developed by Sattler(2001), was ((VC+BD+SI+CD+ LN)×1.4)+30. Lastly, the formula for SF D, developed by Crawford et al(2010) was, 15/Sold×(VC+SI+BD+MR+DS+CD +SS-70)+100. For 998 normal children, the 4 SFs showed no significant differences between actual and estimated IQ. The SF B, C, and D proved to be valid, showing more than 70% concordance rate with Wechsler's intelligence descriptive classification. For 66 children with mild intellectual disability, only SF B showed the best results, showing no significant difference between actual and estimated IQ and 83.3% concordance rate. Therefore, SF B may be the most useful version to identify approximate IQ in a short time. However, it should be always used with cautions because of information loss of detailed cognitive functions and limitations of descriptive classification.
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