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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
It is very important to evaluate mentalization in the adolescents who have various vulnerabilities. This study validated Hausberg et al.’s Mentalization Questionnaire (2012) in Korean adolescents. A total of 312 high school students were randomly assigned to one of two groups for the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The first group (N=162) was used for the EFA and the second group (N=150) was used for the CFA and validation procedures. Four factors were extracted through the EFA, and the 4-factors model showed acceptable model fit indexes. The final 4 factor model was partially different from the original model. Internal consistency coefficients of the 4 subfactors showed better or similar levels as compared to those reported by Hausberg et al. (2012). The criterion validities were verified using the Empathy Questionnaire, Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), and Executive Function Questionnaire. Emotional control difficulty was significantly related with all mentalization factors, while empathy and RMET did not show any significant relationships with mentalization factors. In conclusion, the difference between this study model and the original model might be partially attributed to the conceptual vagueness of mentalization and the cultural differences in emotional processing. The limitations of the present study included the lack of a representative sample and insufficiency of variables in the criterion validation. Therefore, these results should be verified through further research. However, this study has value in that it is the first validation study on mentalization in the Korean population. It acts as a starting point in the assessment of Korean adolescents and the design of appropriate psychological interventions.
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