E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop the Korean Beck Hopelessness Scale-Sign Language version (K-BHS-SL), and to examine the reliability and validity of this scale. The researchers reviewed and revised the original items to create the text version of the K-BHS-SL to reflect the Deaf-culture and expression of Korean Sign Language (KSL). Next we translated the revised items into KSL and created the video version of the scale. Data were collected from deaf persons (n=240) and bilinguals in Korean and KSL (n=54). The K-BHS-SL exhibited adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Additionally, the correlations between the K-BHS-SL and sign language versions of other inventories were significant. The agreement between the K-BHS-SL and K-BHS, which was examined by bilingual examiners, was significant. These findings suggest that the K-BHS-SL is a reliable and valid scale for evaluating hopelessness and predicting suicidal ideation in deaf persons.
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