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This study set out to translate into Korean the Informant-Report Form of Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5-IRF), which was developed to measure the DSM-5 Personality Trait Model comprised of five domains and 25 facets, and test the reliability and validity of the Korean version. For these purposes, the items of PID-5-IRF in English were translated into Korean through the process of translation and reverse translation and organized the entire items so that they would have consistent meanings with the items of the Korean version of the Self-Report Form of PID-5 (K-PID-5-SRF). K-PID-5-IRF (n=230) and K-PID-5-SRF & the Korean Personality Disorders Test (n=176) were conducted to college students and ordinary citizens aged 18 or older. The analysis results show that K-PID-5-IRF recorded a high level of internal consistency in domains and facets. Its factor structure properly matched overall that of PID-5-IRF in English and that of the DSM-5 Personality Trait Model despite number of factors and differences in three facets between them. Concordance between K-PID-5-SRF and KPID- 5-IRF was a little bit lower than that of their English counterparts, but it had statistically significant correlations and was in a proper level founded in researches on correlations between the informant-report form and the self-report form on personality. Finally, domains and facets of K-PID-5-IRF had a relatively appropriate match with the core personality traits of each personality disorder. These findings imply that K-PID-5-IRF is a tool to assess the personality traits of grown-ups in a reliably and valid manner.
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