The purpose of this study is to identify the status and also to develop improvement plans for the children and youth services of the public libraries. To determine the information service status and the librarians’ perceptions on the levels of services they provided, the 2016 Korean National Library Statistics System data and the survey results from the children and youth program librarians in the 108 public libraries were analyzed. The analysis revealed the problems such as lack of human resources and budget, shortage of space, and an inflexible program curriculum, which affect the program as a whole negatively. Five suggestions were made to remedy the problems. They are: 1) development of the new programs, which can interest the children and youth and motivate the sense of association among the program participants; 2) increase the number of the programs including the schools and other related organizations nearby region; 3) incorporating the new program formats to enhance the participation; 4) starting the new services explicitly targeted for the information-poor group of people; and 5) soliciting policy-level support for the libraries. In summary, this study made a few suggestions for the libraries ranging from planning the programs to requesting assistance from the national as well as the regional governments.
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