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The Effect of Body Value on Appearance-Management Behaviors: Focusing on Mediation Effect of Sociocultural Attitude Toward Appearance(SATA) and Appearance Orientation


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among body values(Gim et al. 2006, 2007), appearance orientation(Brown, Cash, & Mikulka, 1990), & sociocultural attitude toward appearance (Heinberg, Thompson, & Stomer, 1995). Two competing models were established based on theoretical and empirical findings. In the research model, appearance orientation and SATA hypothesized to mediate the effects of body values on appearance-related behaviors. Instead in a competing model, body values and appearance orientation hypothesized to mediate the effects of SATA on the behaviors. 242 female data were gathered by a questionnaire. LISREL analysis showed that the model fit and the parsimoniousness of the research model were better than those of the competing model.

body values, BVI-O, BVI-I, appearance orientation, sociocultural attitude toeard appearance, MBSRQ, SATAQ, body images



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