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An Exploratory Research for the Scale Development of Imitative Buying Tendency


This study examines the consumption of imitative buying behavior is common in modern consumer driven society, however academic research in marketing has not yet been conducted. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a scale to measure consumers' imitative buying tendencies to identify the acceleration of imitative consumption as an exploratory research. Due to  the lack of precedence in previous research, we conducted  qualitative research through the selection of subjects. To design this study, we used “The Social Learning Theory”Bandura, 1975) in social psychology for experiments on imitative behavior, and “Screening process: Procedure at computers”(Chakravarti &Janiszewski, 2003) was also adopted for observation of imitative buying behavior, which were applied to the marketing dimension.Primary research was used in conjunction with FGI techniques to observe the imitative behavior and the imitative buying behavior. As a secondary research, the study was designed to elicit the imitative buying tendency using the In-Depth-Interview through the imitative buying behavior which is the dependent variable. Through the 20 items of the questionnaire for the imitative buying tendency, 3 factors were identified. These factors were named as image orientation, personality orientation, and brand orientation. The result of this analysis showed the reason for imitative buying is not simply imitating a particular model's fashion items or possessions. It could be concluded that the synergy effect was achieved as a result of the model's attributes and the products' attributes to the consumers' psychology.

Imitative Buying, Imitative Buying Tendency, Image Orientation, Personality Orientation, Brand Orientation



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