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Influences of Self-Construals on Appearance-Related Consumption Behavior: Mediation of Self-Presentation and Moderation of Appearance Emphasis Situation


People engage in consumption behavior to present their social image positively. This study examined influences of self-construals on appearance-related consumption behavior and mediating roles of self- presentations between the two variables whether interpersonal contexts emphasize appearance concerns or not. Two hundred seventy three students have read this scenarios and responded given questions. Results showed that in appearance concern emphasis condition, self-construals did not influence on purchase intention toward products and services for appearance management directly but indirectly through acquisitive self-presentation. On the other hand, in appearance concern de-emphasis condition, self- construals influenced indirectly through acquisitive and protective self-presentation on purchase intention as well as directly. However, in analyzing indirect effect, main mediating route was protective self-presentation in relationship between self-construals and appearance-related consumption behavior of de-emphasis condition. In conclusion, self- presentation motivations mediating relationship between self-construals and appearance-related consumption behaviors differ cross conditions. On the whole the study showed psychological mechanism that self-construals of interpersonal related individual difference variable induces appearance-related consumption behavior by activating different self-presentational motivation across different appearance emphasis condition. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed based on the results.

Self-Construals, Self-Presentation, Impression Management, Appearance Management, Situational Influence



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