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A Study on the Effect of Temporal Distance on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention in Comparative Advertising


This study was performed to investigate the role of temporal distance and attribute type in moderating the effect of comparative advertising on product attitude and purchase intention. For this purpose, the study employed a 2 (temporal distance) X 2 (attribute type) X 2 (ad type) between subjects design. Results indicate that, for product attitude, there was no interaction between attribute type and ad type in both near and far distance conditions. However, purchase intention of the product in comparative ad was higher than that in non-comparative ad when temporal distance is near and attribute type is non-purposive and both purchase intentions were not different when temporal distance is near and attribute type is purposive. In contrast, there was no interaction effect between attribute type and ad type for purchase intention when temporal distance is far. This study also examined which type of attributes should be presented in comparative ads in order to induce better product attribute and purchase intention when temporal distance is considered. Results show that, when temporal distance is near, the comparative ad of non-purposive attributes induces better product attribute and purchase intention than that of purposive attributes. However, when temporal distance is far, two comparative ads did not make a difference. Implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the need for further research on the effect of comparative advertising.

comparative ad, temporal distance, construal level theory, product attitude, purchase intention



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