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The influence of digit ratio on consumption behavior


This study is investigated the relationship between digit ratio(2D:4D) and consumption. The survey data drawn from male and female college students, 154 college students responded to questions designed to measure consumption-related interests, sex-typed consumption behavior, awareness of sex role behavior, and attitude of homosexual appeal advertising with video clip. And the length of the right 2nd and 4th digits was measured from the crease proximal to the palm to the tip of the digit. In this study sex differences were found for the dimensions movie, shopping, exercise, listening to music, performance, fashion/beauty, and game. There was a positive significant correlation between the right digit ratio and sex-typed consumption behavior, with higher digit ratios associated with higher adornment and clothes expression. We found a significant positive correlation of digit ratio with masculine women in awareness of sex role behavior, but not in men. The results further revealed a tendency for positive correlation between digit ratio and attitude of homosexual appeal advertising, but not in women. Based on the finding of this study, theoretical contribution and managerial implications are discussed.

Digit ratio, 2D:4D, gender, difference of sex, sex-typed consumption behavior, awareness of sex role behavior, attitude of homosexual appeal advertising



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