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From this study, effective message type for persuasion is to be revealed(or researched) based on construal level theory, having the key concept on the characteristics of preventive behavior which shows the timing for action and timing for accomplishing result do not match. According to the construal level theory, people have different representation depends on the psychological associations with temporal distances. The receptivity of message is increased when psychological distance and characteristics highlighted in the message are well harmonized. In study 1, it is examined that whether construal level matching with message is more effective or not by letting temporal frame differentiates interpretation level of persuasive message. Specifically, participants show higher preventive vaccination behavioral intentions in the near future rather than the distinct future when the message is concrete. but results were reversed when message is abstract. In study 2, the control of message framing effectiveness which can be done by temporal frame, is examined. The results showed the loss framing message was more effective than the gain framing message in the near future, but the gain framing message was more effective in the distant future. These results imply that effective persuasion messages may vary depending on the temporal context. Also, these results provide practical implications of consumer behavior under the temporal context, but beyond the health behavior domains.
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