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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This is an exploratory study aiming to investigate the effect of advertisements in the simultaneous media usage situations, which is highly regarded as a media consumption in multi-media era. Employing experience sample method (ESM), this study examined the characteristics of the exposure to and the attitude toward advertisements in comparison with those in single media usage situations. The results show that the exposure to advertisements happens more frequently in simultaneous media usage situations than in single media usage situations. In addition, there are various types of the exposure to advertisements according to the combination of foreground media and background media in simultaneous media consumption. In simultaneous media usage situations, the duplicated exposure to advertisements has resulted in across foreground media and background media. Media engagement and mood are significantly correlated to the attitude toward advertisements in single media usage situation, while only media engagement correlated significantly with the attitude toward advertisements, but mood, in simultaneous media usage situations.
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