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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research grasped their consuming behavioral pattern targeting local people in Japan with the aim of grasping the present situation and position of the Korean Wave, and looking into the future possibility of its growth and developmental direction. For the purpose of detailed analysis, first, this research understood the real condition of the general popular culture product consumption of the Japanese people, made clear the characteristics of TV dramas from various countries through image comparison of the dramas produced by Korea, Japan, and the USA, and examined Japanese people’s consciousness of international culture exchange. As a result, the Korean dramas are emerging as the second alternative followed by its products, which suggests Korean dramas are considerably generalized to the Japanese consumers. Particularly, the successful publicity of Korean dramas is not just affected by the drama “Winter Sonata”; rather, it could be interpreted as the increased number of population who are immersed in the newly released Korean dramas with interest, shedding more bright light on the possibility of growth of the Korean dramas in the future. The Korean dramas smack of strong emotional image that is differentiated from those from the USA and Japan; thus, it is analyzed that the Korean dramas can appeal to the middle-aged consumer group in Japan who originally has such a taste. In addition, it was found that the group favoring the Korean dramas is more cognizant of the common points of Korea or the Eastern culture than non-favoring group of the Korean dramas, and they show a high belief in durability of the Korean Wave. This research confirmed that the Korean Wave in Japan is not simply a boom, but it is going toward the stage of early majority or late majority beyond the level of its innovator and early adapter. Besides, it is estimated that the increase in the number of new consumers and their powerful brand loyalty will be a basis of continuous development of the Korean Wave.
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